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Career Highlights


Consumer and Clinical Apps using MKF in the Cloud
At FDBHealth I developed an idea around making the Image and Imprint functionality I was working on available in the cloud and accessible through pill boxes, Google Glass, and other devices. Centering on the consumer market, such products could virtually eliminate the problem of some 40 million+ elderly Americans that have difficulty knowing what drugs they should be taking and when.


  • Visual pill recognition using Image & Imprint technology.

  • Other MKF features suitable as cloud apps.

  • Google Glass as app. delivery device (consumer/clinical).

  • Pill Box and smart/dumb cell phones as app. delivery device.


AlertSpace Enhancements
This is also an idea I offered to the Innovation Funnel at FDB Health. The idea was to extend the current AlertSpace product to not only look at alerts in terms of allergies and drug-drug interaction, but also to look at patient lab values to flag contraindications for patient condition, lab values, and current medications. I called this product AlertSpace-Lab Alert. Another enhancement to AlertSpace I suggested was a product I called AlertSpace-Vital Alert. Vital Alert monitors a patient’s vital signs, looking for contraindications between a patient’s vital signs and the drugs being administered.


  • AlertSpace-Lab Alert.

  • AlertSpace-Vital Alert.


Use Semantic Web technology to gather drug information for pharmaceutical HIE
This is also an idea I offered to the Innovation Funnel. The idea is to not only use semantic web technology to gather and vet drug information, but also as a product. As a product a user can query in plain language the information they are looking for (allergy information, drug-drug interaction, etc.) and get it on the first hit.


  • Create federation of partners that will provide their drug data in semantic web format for collection.

  • Put our data in semantic web format and deliver intelligent drug data search capability. Essentially, much of the API functionality could be delivered via semantic search.

  • Crawl data providers, pulling their data into pharmaceutical HIE, shortening the time required to gather, vet, and publish drug information.


UCSF -- Neonatal TPN Smart Calculator
This application is one of several I developed with Yao Sun, MD, PhD for the UCSF Pediatrics Group. It was part of Dr. Sun’s vision of a ‘Fully-Connected ICN.’


  • Web based TPN calculator.

    • Application went through formal clinical trial and testing and was slated to be included in the UCare suite of clinical applications used throughout the hospital.

    • Unique and intuitive current/previous order layout.

    • Ingredient and dosing checks.

    • Web service connectivity with patient lab values.

    • Pop-up visual graph of Calcium/Phosphorus Titration, allowing the clinician to see where optimum solubility occurs on the graph and to adjust the values.

    • Pop-up functionality that accounts for total fluid volume available for TPN, subtracting out non-TPN fluids.


UCSF -- Neonatal Web Portal
This was the key piece in Dr. Sun’s exploration for developing a “fully-connected” ICN. Unfortunately, hospital-wide IT and hospital administration did not want these kinds of projects to be developed at the departmental level.


  • Portal was part of Yao Sun’s vision of Fully Connected ICN.

  • Custom preferences based on log in group displaying either clinical or parent portal.

  • Clinical side pulls in patient clinical data and applications.

  • Parent side has “baby cam,” social networking features such as the ability to share information with other parents in ICN and others (think Facebook like apps).

Connected Intensive Care Nursery (ICN)
Born Too Soon


MedAmerica, California Emergency Physicians -- Web Portal
As director of web development at MedAmerica/CEP I was responsible for all web development projects. We developed websites and web based applications.


  • Developed customer facing website for hospitals.

  • Extranet for physician members.

  • Directed clinical and administrative application development.


MedAmerica, California Emergency Physicians -- Best Practice Database
This is an application I developed for California Emergency Physicians with Wesley Curry, MD. CEO. It was a database application designed to aid the clinician in treating presenting symptoms.


  • Application designed to identify “best practice” treatment based on presenting symptoms.

  • Drill-down tree navigation to best practice.

  • User entered query navigation to best practice.


MedAmerica, California Emergency Physicians -- Palm Portal
One of the projects I helped create and oversaw was the implementation of a Palm Portal for the Palm roll-out to physicians. We developed a portal with a variety of applications available for download.


  • Created Palm Pilot portal for physician use.

  • Provided dosing and other Epocrates apps for download.

  • This was just after 9/11 disaster. I included a lot of PDFs downloads and applications for treating chemical agents used in bio-terror attacks.


Sylantro Systems – Custom Telephony Applications
I worked as a Developer Evangelist, developing demonstration applications for both mobile and desktop devices.


  • Developed custom web service applications demonstrating API functionality for Open Source PBX. – Virus Scan Online
I worked on a variety of applications as a senior ecommerce developer. was the first software that might be called software-as-a-service. The application was downloaded across the web and the DAT files (virus information files) were intermittently updated automatically on the client via the web. The single-most application innovation I worked on at McAfee really had to do with ad serving technology. We pioneered and patented a technology that allowed us to scan the applications installed on a user’s computer (with their permission, of course) and to suggest software products (ours) to sell them.


  • Developed the ad server functionality for displaying targeted advertising.

  • Developed product registration and download functionality.

  • Developed Tele-check payment process.


Netscape, DevEdge (contractor) – JavaScript and other developer technologies
I worked as a web developer evangelist through Netscape’s DevEdge website. The website was for developers using Netscape server and browser products. I provided information on how to use JavaScript and worked with Brendan Eich, the inventor of JavaScript.


  • Answered developer questions about the use of new web programming technologies, such as JavaScript.

  • I was cited in the Acknowledgements in the book The JavaScript Sourcebook for providing technical assistance on the JavaScript programming language to Gordon McComb, the author of that book.


Sun Microsystems (contractor) – Corporate Intranet proof of concept

When the web was in the process of proving its bona fides as a technology that has a legitimate place in the business world, I worked for Sun Microsystems. I worked on the company-wide roll out of their corporate intranet. A project meant to help legitimize the corporate intranet as a business resource.


  • Developed Sun Service corporate intranet.

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